Massevis av kjøtt, tudorkostymer, ringbrynje og en bebartet Billy Joel! Er det noe som helst i dette platecoveret som ikke går an å elske?
Attila var metalduoen (!) Billy Joel og Jon Small i 1969-70, på henholdsvis orgel og trommer (akkurat som norske Russian AmCar Club, altså). De spilte sammen i bandet The Hassles men ga ut metalkjøttbandet Attila som duosideprosjekt. Etter albumet stakk Billy Joel av med kona til Jon.
Det selvtitulerte albumet (1970) deres har blitt kalt historiens dårligste rock'n'roll-album, på
"Attila undoubtedly is the worst album released in the history of rock & roll -- hell, the history of recorded music itself. There have been many bad ideas in rock, but none match the colossal stupidity of Attila."
I følge Billy Joel selv spilte Attila så høyt at folk gikk:
"End of the sixties, I was in a two-man group. We were heavy metal, we were going to destroy the world with amplification, we had titles like 'Godzilla', 'March of the Huns', 'Brain Invasion'. A lot of people think [I] just came out of the piano bar... I did a lot of heavy metal for a while. We had about a dozen gigs and nobody could stay in the room when we were playing. It was too loud. We drove people literally out of clubs. 'It was great, but we can't stay in the club'.
Alle sitater fra Wikipedia.
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(Tusen takk til Laura Whitticase)
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