mandag 16. august 2010

Alle duene...

Stakkars Ozzy. Man kunne jo ikke skrevet ham som en karakter, ingen ville trodd på ham... Jeg tror aldri jeg har lest et så morsomt intervju som det med the Ozzfather i augustnummeret av MOJO! Intervjuet tar for seg den aller første tiden som soloartist, rett etter at han fikk sparken fra Sabbath og befant seg i et øs av ensomhet, vodka, kaos og sjokk. Som da han, etter press fra plateselskapet, måtte arrangere audition for å få seg et band til solokarrieren:

"I was terrified of auditioning people 'cos I'd only been in one band up until then and we were all mates. I was only a singer and couldn't even play the triangle! I remember listening to five drummers banging away one after another and thinking, I'm fucked if I know whether any of these guys are any good!"

Eller om et av rockens aller, aller mørkeste øyeblikk. Det gjør vondt bare å skrive det av:

"Believing that the label were more interested in Adam Ant, Sharon had a simple plan to garner attention: Ozzy would attend a label function in LA and make a grand entrance by freeing two doves from his jacket pocket and flashing peace signs. Arriving at the CBS meeting at 11 am, Ozzy found himself "pissed and bored" and went a step further, freeing one dove but biting the head off the second. "I don't really know what happened", he admits today. "I didn't really realise what I'd done or why I'd done it. I suppose I thought it would be funny but no one else seemed to find it funny at all." The resulting photos show Osbourne glassy-eyed and spitting feathers from his mouth as a label employee looks on with disgust".

Go Ozzy!

Her er den nyeste videoen hans, til "Scream".

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